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[05-16 16:08:44]   来源:http://www.kuaixue5.com  初三英语阅读   阅读:8337
概要: 概要:2013中考英语阅读理解及答案(株洲中考)【2013湖南株洲】13-year-old Omkar Dubey from India shows that when you start by changing yourself and have courage, you can make a difference to the world.In India, more than 100 million homes have no toilets. Dubey‘s family didn‘t have a toilet, either. He asked his father to build one. ”I thought it would be difficult in rainy days to go outside for the toilet. If we built the toilet at home, it would be easier for all of us in the family,” he t


  【2013湖南株洲】13-year-old Omkar Dubey from India shows that when you start by changing yourself and have courage, you can make a difference to the world.

  In India, more than 100 million homes have no toilets. Dubey‘s family didn‘t have a toilet, either. He asked his father to build one. ”I thought it would be difficult in rainy days to go outside for the toilet. If we built the toilet at home, it would be easier for all of us in the family,” he told the Indian news channel CNN-IBN.

  At first, his father said it was a waste of space, but Dubey kept on asking for nearly a month.

  Finally his father gave in and built a toilet.

  Dubey‘s work didn‘t stop there. He bravely went to the leader of his village and asked him to build the first public toilet. Today, his advice has led to 13 public toilets.

  Dubey also brought changes to his school. When one leader came to his school, he took the chance and asked for a toilet. Now the school has two clean toilets for boys and girls.

   ”Omkar is an excellent kid. He will shine one day,” said his teacher.

  57. Where is Dubey from?______________________

  58. How did Dubey bring changes to his school? ______________________

  59. What can you learn from the passage? ______________________


  57. Dubey is from India. 【解析】由文中的第一行13-year-old Omkar Dubey from India shows …可知答案。

  58. By asking one leader to his school for a toilet. 【解析】 由文中When one leader came to his school, he took the chance and asked for a toilet.可知答案。

  59. when you start by changing yourself and have courage, you can make a difference to the world.

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