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初二下册英语unit 1 导学案(七)

[01-13 16:57:17]   来源:http://www.kuaixue5.com  初二英语辅导   阅读:8474
概要: 概要:It’s very pleasant (to play Chinese chess).The factory used to dump its waste into the river.Later, the government realized it was a serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution.It’s nice to have open space and pretty.It has become more difficult to see some of my old friends.Ⅵ. Performance:1.Students practise reading in pairs.2. Ask some pairs to act it out.Ⅶ. Retell the text.1. First fill in the blanks about main contents of the interviewMr Chen lives in Sunshi
初二下册英语unit 1 导学案(七),标签:八年级英语辅导,http://www.kuaixue5.com

It’s very pleasant (to play Chinese chess).

The factory used to dump its waste into the river.

Later, the government realized it was a serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution.

It’s nice to have open space and pretty.

It has become more difficult to see some of my old friends.

Ⅵ. Performance:

1.Students practise reading in pairs.

2. Ask some pairs to act it out.

Ⅶ. Retell the text.

1. First fill in the blanks about main contents of the interview

Mr Chen lives in Sunshine Town. After he got______, he and his wife ______to a new house. Last year, they moved again when their children ______ them a new flat. In the past there were small ______, shops and market stalls in the town. Now the place has_____ a lot. The town centre is now a park.  A shoe factory used to ______waste_____the river.The ______in the waste ______the river.Later the government ______the ______problem and took action to ______the ______.Many of Mr Chen’s old friends have______to other areas. Sometimes, they come back and go to the new park to play______and Chinese ______with Mr Chen, but they do not often see each other. Mr Chen feels_____from time to time.

2. Give them a few minutes to prepare to retell the text using their own words.

Ⅷ.Make an interview

Make an interview about changes to their own hometown.-Taizhou.

1.T: Now we have learned about the changes in Sunshine Town. In fact our hometown has also changed a lot over the years. Do you want to know the past and present of our hometown?

S: Of course!

T: Let’s look at some pictures.

(show pictures about Taizhou)

2. Fill in a form about the past and present of Taizhou.

changes to Taizhou    
  past present
population  Small, 160,000   large,610,000 
area  Small,120km²   large,5,794km² 
environment  narrow roads, small old houses dirty rivers   new,wide roads/streetsnew flatsclean rivers with trees aroundshopping malls 
transport  by boat,bybike,busor on foot   by electric bicycle,motor bike,taxi,,double-decker,train 

3. Make an interview according to the form( use Millie’s interview as a model)

Ⅸ. Higher level of emotion:

T: We know our hometown has changed a lot over the years and we are now living a happy life. As students,we should treasure the good times and study harder and harder so that we can do something to make our hometown richer and richer ,more and more beautiful. Do you think so?

Homework: Write an article about changes to our school.

Changes to our school    
  past present
  50多位教师不到1000名学生 200多位教师近3000名学生
  2幢大楼 8幢大楼,一座天桥(footbridge)
  几台电脑和空调 200多台电脑约50台空调
  很少的花草、树木 很多树木和花草
  很少的课外活动,作业多,业余时间少 有丰富的课外活动,作业少了,有业余时间可以做自己喜欢的事

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