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[01-13 00:21:13]   来源:http://www.kuaixue5.com  初一英语试题   阅读:8379
概要: 概要:83.狮子是生活在森林。 The lions live in the _______________.84.你们什么时候上计算机课?____________________your computer lesson?85.你会说英语吗?Can you ________________ English?八、书面表达(本大题共1分)一周的紧张学习结束之后,我们迎来了愉快的周末。你制作了一张周末计划表,然后以“My weekend”为题写出自己的一天活动。不少于50词。SaturdaySundayTimeActivitiesTimeActivities0.395833Play football0.354167Visit Grandma0.625Have a piano lesson0.697917Go to the cinema with my parentsMy weekend_______________________________________________________________________________


  The lions live in the _______________.


  ____________________your computer lesson?


  Can you ________________ English?


  一周的紧张学习结束之后,我们迎来了愉快的周末。你制作了一张周末计划表,然后以“My weekend”为题写出自己的一天活动。不少于50词。

Saturday Sunday
Time Activities Time Activities
0.395833 Play football 0.354167 Visit Grandma
0.625 Have a piano lesson 0.697917 Go to the cinema with my parents

  My weekend




  第一节、听音辨图  听句子,选出与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画,每个句子读两遍。

  1.She is having a class.

  2.I have an egg for my breakfast.

  3.My mother send a CD to me for my birthday gift.

  4.They often play football after school.

  第二节、情景反应  听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。

  5. What’s the time?

  6. When do you usually have lunch?

  7. Would you like to go swimming with me?

  8. When is the football match?

  9. Let’s sing a song for our teacher’s birthday.

  10.What’s your mother’s job?

  第三节、对话理解  听五组段对话和五个问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话读两遍。

  11. A: Is there any fruit in the fridge?

    B: Let me see. Oh, yes, there are some melons.

    Question: What’s in the fridge?

  12. A: Have you got a blue computer, Lisa?

    B: No, my computer is red.

    Question: What colour is Lisa’s computer?

  13. A: Mum, where are my shoes?

    B: Are they under the chair?

    A: No, they aren’t.

    B: Are they under the bed?

    A: Oh, yes.

    Question: Where are the shoes?

  14. A: How many people are there in your family, Mary?

    B: Er, my father, my mother, my sisterand I.

    Question: How many people are there in Mary’s Family?

  15. A: Betty, do you like pandas?

    B: Yes, and I like elephants, too.

    Question: What animal does Betty like?

  第四节、语篇理解  听一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。短文读三遍。

  My name’s Liu Jia. My English teacher is Mary. She is from England. She has got two children, a son and a daughter. Her daughter is Betty. Her son is Jim. Mary and her daughter are in Beijing, but her husband, John, is in England. John is a policeman. Jim is in America. Betty and I are in the same school. We are classmates and good friends.



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