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[10-18 22:10:55]   来源:http://www.kuaixue5.com  初一英语试题   阅读:8152
概要: 概要:四、 阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) (A) What do you eat every day? Some people think about it. And some people will not make plans for their meals. Many people like to have fast food near their offices. This kind of food can make them fat and it is bad for their health. Even it will make them ill when they are old. What should a healthy person eat every day? Well, I will tell you the ‘healthy eating habit’. It comes from doctors. When people do a lot of work, the energy is bur

四、     阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


  What do you eat every day? Some people think about it. And some people will not make plans for their meals.

   Many people like to have fast food near their offices. This kind of food can make them fat and it is bad for their health. Even it will make them ill when they are old.

   What should a healthy person eat every day? Well, I will tell you the ‘healthy eating habit’. It comes from doctors.

  When people do a lot of work, the energy is burning(燃烧). So you need noodles, rice, milk, bread and eggs. If you don’t eat them, you will feel tired. You should eat fruits and vegetables, too. There are a lot of vitamins in them. They can make you strong. And they can give you water.

(   ) 46. People like to eat fast food near their ___________.

        A. offices                      B. schools        C. homes               D. shops

(              ) 47. Fast food can make people ____________ .

        A. strong                        B. heal        C. tired                      D. fat and ill

(              ) 48. In fruits and vegetables, what can make you strong?

        A. Water.                       B. Vitamins      C. Energy.             D. Calories.


  Every year, on the third Sunday of June, there is a day just to thank the fathers. It is Father’s Day. Every father in the USA gets a present from his wife or children.

  The present isn’t too big or expensive. It is just something with love. This present is to let the father know he is special and important in the family. The present may be an easy sentence(句子). But it is really very important.

  Being a father is hard today. They must do a lot of things. And in the USA, people try to let fathers know how special they are. It is very important to let each father know, without him, life will be very hard and boring.

(              ) 49. When is Father’s Day?

        A. On the third Sunday of June.                                                        B. On the third Saturday of June.

        C. On the third Sunday of July.                                                        D. On the third Saturday of July.

(              ) 50. What is the present like?

        A. It’s very big.                                                                                                  B. It’s very expensive.

        C. It sends love to the father.                                                                      D. It is only from the children.

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